Increaser -

Better colour with less space

HeraCeram increasers (IN) allow you to customise but control every aspect of chroma. 16 chromatised, dentines are available in shades A1-D4 which provide greater control of shades even if the available space is critically low. For exam- ple at the cervical area, or for the concealment of framework structures toward the incisal area.


Masking -

providing depth

Balancing the level of translucency whist maintaining the effect of depth within a restoration is often hard to achieve. To overcome this problem and to make life a little easier we have devised a simple but effective solution. Spe- cialised masking materials are applied between the dentine and the Incisal layer which help to conceal underlying frameworks. Depending upon the choice of Mask, you are able to customise appearance by regulating the level of fluores- cence.

— MA bright has a higher level of opacity with increased fluorescence that helps to achieve a more youthful look especially with lighter shades (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)

— MA shadow has a higher level of opacity and reduced fluorescence to achieve an older look with darker shades (A3, A3,5, A4)


Enhancer -

Customised value and brightness

With HeraCeram enhancer components (EH) it’s possible to adjust the value or brightness of the restoration whilst the nature of the required shade remains unaffected. Correct application during the layering process means that the shade stays intact.

— EH A-C enhances the required shade. — EH neutral compliments areas without influencing the shade. For example at

contact areas or vestibular additions. — EH bright adjusts the taint of the basic shade to create lighter areas. — EH grey adjusts the taint of the basic shade to make it more grey whilst

reducing its brightness. You have the capability to take full control of any shade deviation. Its so easy.